Extensión de la ruta
Blair Stone Parkway Road – Fase I
Tallahassee, Florida

Nuestros Proyectos, Proyectos US, Todos los Proyectos

Extensión de la Ruta Blair Stone Parkway – Fase I

Cliente: Ciudad de Tallahassee
Lugar: Tallahassee, Florida
Construcción: 2001—2003

This contract for the City of Tallahassee, included the construction of 2.92 kilometers of a divided 4-lane urban roadway including the construction of twin 317 meter long precast concrete girder bridges across wetlands and a CSX railroad track. The project was originally bid as a segmental bridge but GLF’s design-build proposal for the alternate bridge resulted in a significant savings to the City of Tallahassee.

371-Aerial1_305Blair Stone Parkway Road Extension, GLF Construction371-Aerial2_305